

What kinds of movies do you like? There are drama, comedy, horror, science fiction, documentary, action etc.

A friend just told me that there is a new movie being played in the cinema that made the entire studio in tears. It must be a very heart-touching one.

I quickly asked her ‘have you seen it?’

I know that she enjoys movies a lot, including drama and horror. She also like reading novels. She loves stories. Her emotion is easily driven by a story and she is easily made into sad feeling. She used to watch series of drama hours and hours in the weekend.

Unlike my friend, I do not enjoy movies. I am quite sellective in this. I do not like reading novels either. I would regret spending hours reading a thick novel and at the end realizing that it was just a fiction. I think I am too logic. I do not want my emotion driven by the authors of the novel, even if it is based on true story. They can be exagerated. The authors may use their imagination also their idealization to create such story that is entertaining. A fiction should have a strong element of entertainment, so the readers will spend that much time to read. Some allow their emotions to be driven by stories.

I know many people around me are so addicted to this kind of fiction stories. They do not regret spending hours with their screens. Some even do it during lunch break.

I remember a collegue went  to cinema to see a drama movie. We decided to see it because it was stared by a very good actor. During that movie we were discussing the story and the main character in the story. The story was a bit illogical. It perhaps will not happen in real life.

But I saw a very good one that I went back to the cinema for second time for same movie because I missed an interesting scene. After seeing it for the first time, a coleague asked me if I was touched by a particular scene or not. It was a scene that was related to local culture where daughters have no right to express ideas in the family. It was the most touching part. I missed this part. I could not relate to the existing culture. Those who could relate to the story were touched. When I saw it again, I was waiting for that scene.

Another friend once told me that she went to see a very heavy movie and it was also a long movie. This made her think very hard. She did not enjoy it.

If you are looking for an entertainment I think comedy has the strongest element to entertain, it can help you releasing stress in the weekend.

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