
My Ridiculous Request

What do you say in your prayer? Do you have a request for God?

A prayer is a communication to God. It is a comnunication of a creation to the Creator.

When someone has a request, he puts this request in his prayer or in his heart to God. He wants God to grant what he wants.

What is the language do you use to communicate with God? God understands the language of the hearts. It means whatever language you speak, even if it is not spoken….God will understand. The message reaches God instantly.

How many times do you pray during the day? Of course it is always great to follow the timings. I am sure there is significance behind it.

But you can communicate to God anytime. His working hour is 24/7. In case of emergency, you also can contact Him. He is always on duty. He is never absent. He doesn’t have anything else to do except to help you.

When do we remember God the most? When we are in trouble or facing a difficult situation. God is remembered the most in time of difficulties, not in happiness. We do not need God when we are happy. God is forgotten. That’s human, they say.

I would always remember God when I had to drive in a challenging time or condition like at night or early in the morning, in a heavy rain or in a very heavy traffic.

I said in my heart, ‘God, please accompany me. Stay with me!’

Ussually I feel better quite instantly and I could maintain my calmness along the trip.

In many places there are special places for prayers – sinagog, mosque, church, temple or just a room for a prayer etc. These places are considered to be sacred. The meeting of souls and the Supreme Soul is taken place. I always enjoyed the good feeling in these places. In some places the vibration are very powerful. We can easily feel it. In some of those places, foot wears are not allowed to be carried inside. Everyone had to leave their shoes and sandals outside.

I made a ridiculous request to God when I went to such a place. I remember that I brought new sandals at that time. I said, ‘God, please guard my sandals here while I am inside.’

I asked God to keep my sandals.

Well I was inside to meet and talk to God but at the same time I needed Him to take care of my sandals. 🤭

Photo by Melike Benli on

Did I humiliate God? I know that God has a very loving personality. His heart is so big and unlimited. He can do unlimited multiple tasks at the same time for you and for everyone.

He treats you the way you want Him to treat you. He is an innocent Lord.

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